The Webcomicker

Who watches the watchmen?

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The Daily Grind gets some action

No, not that kind of action... sickos.

For the first time literally in months, the number of contestants still in The Daily Grind has gone down. Now, this wouldn't be terribly exciting news except for two facts:

  1. The Daily Grind lost not one, but TWO people in a single day.
  2. One of the people lost was the man that many (including Scott Kurtz, I believe) picked to win the whole thing: Chris Crosby.

Crosby was deep sixed by snowstorms and power outages (which ultimately proved that he doesn't work with a buffer, or at least doesn't upload any buffer strips he may have ahead of time), missing an update for what some people would claim to be the first time in seven years. The other guy, according to the message boards, just plum forgot (I guess Thanksgiving malaise could be called to blame).

So what are the ramifications of Crosby dropping? In my opinion, it will result in more frequent drops in the weeks ahead. I think a lot of people will be satisfied just to say "At least I beat Crosby, and he was the favorite!" and this attitude, coupled with the added stress that the holidays always bring on, should result in a fair number of drops between now and about January 7th (I expect at least one person to screw up after New Years. I mean, come on.). There's 33 contestants left in the Grind, and I would not be surprised to see it drop to 25 by mid-January, and then things will be getting interesting.

Of course, there is also the "I just want to beat D.J. Coffman" attitude that is prevalant in the Grind right now as well, since he's been bad mouthing so much basically since the beginning. So I think that if he ever drops out then we'll see a much larger exodus than what we could potentially see from the combination of the Crosby factor and the holidays. But then, there's no sign that he'll be dropping anytime soon, so I guess we'll just have to wait on that one.


At 10:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Paul Gadzikowski has claimed that he'll continue until 2026 and then stop 'irrigarless'. R. Smith ( has as impressive a track record as Crosby (whom I don't read) having just one hiatus since 1999 - because he needed to qualify as an effing doctor!


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