The Webcomicker

Who watches the watchmen?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My old chess coach was named Sheldon... not that that's relevant.

The first strip. From Sheldon.

This is not a review of Sheldon. Nor is this a commentary on the latest joke or the ongoing storyline or the overarching societal themes subtly undertoning the seemingly shallow geek humor (yes I did just use undertone as a verb there).

I linked this strip from Sheldon for one very simple reason: it's the first time that I can.

Yep, that's right, Sheldon has slipped from the surly bonds of and touched the face of, uh, the full archive diety. We shall call him Archivo. I think it's very striking when a comics author that's got a deal with a major syndicate (granted, a crappy deal, but a deal nonetheless) decides that he'd be better off just going it alone. It says alot the sorry state of syndicated comics these days, and a lot about how the major syndicates don't know how to communicate with the internet audience. 30 day archives, poorly designed, ad-ridden sites, no way for the artist to really connect with his audience...

I'm pretty sure Dave Kellett's not going to regret this decision. And when he's making his living solely off his comic strip (and with the quality of his work, he really should be), he's just going to look back at the syndication deal and laugh, and laugh, and laugh.

And I, for one, intend to go read his archives and join in the laughter.


At 11:14 AM, Blogger Kneefers said...

Hey, that's cool! I've heard lots of stuff about how good Sheldon was, but have always been frustrated by the sheer impenetrability of the site at one time or another.
I'm the type who likes to read a strip cover to cover, so I've been holding off on Sheldon, hoping it'd do something like this.
Jolly good...

At 3:57 PM, Blogger Myth said...

Even though I've never been grabbed by the snippets of Sheldon that I've seen, it's gotten so much publicity and discussion that I feel like I really should go through it now that it's freely available.

...that is, once NaNoWriMo is over and I have time to delve into a strip with 6 years of near-constant daily updates...

At 4:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I third the yay & second the "too much stuff in queue" notion...


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